Music at St James

Choir Tour to Peterborough Cathedral

This summer season we start with a Come and Sing for St James’ day on 28th July (contact Jason for more info) – featuring music to be sung at Peterborough Cathedral on our first Choir Tour in many years.  We are taking 40 members of the parish on a musical and spiritual programme called ‘We love this Place’ (more info from Katie or Jason.)  

Your favourite hymn

Music in church during August has been chosen by groups in our congregation: Church Wardens; Mothers’ Union; Gardening Group and the Flower Team in recognition of their hard work over the year – next summer we will be asking other groups for their favourites – so have your list ready!

Summer Evening Services

There is no choral evensong during the summer and this will be replaced by a series of one-off specials including Celtic Prayer (with celtic music) and Praying with St Francis.

And Finally

Watch out for the next Come and Sing Evensong on 6th October – soon to be followed by the musical feast which is Christmas beginning no doubt with Advent Carols!