Mothers’ Union members here at St James enjoy a wide variety of activities from monthly worship together in the Lady Chapel in Church to coffee and chat in our
local pub! We have regular meetings, sometimes with a speaker, and our social calendar includes a Summer Supper party and a Carols and Readings evening with mulled wine and mince pies around Christmas.

We support St James Church throughout the year celebrating National Marriage Week with a display, making posies for Mothering Sunday and Christingles for our annual Christingle service supporting the work of The Children’s Society. We also help at the Church’s Summer and Christmas Fairs, and raise money for MU pro-jects with occasional Bake Sales.

The Mothers’ Union Kingston and Richmond Deanery has seven active branches and there are several deanery events each year. These include a Lady Day
service in March, which is followed by lunch, and a summer Garden Party which raises funds for MU projects.
We are fortunate to have easy access to London to attend Southwark Diocesan meetings at the MU office in Trinity House as well as Festival services and monthly Prayer services in the beautiful Southwark Cathedral.
We look forward to welcoming you – members are always in Church for the Sunday morning service and there is a noticeboard with contact details in Church.
You can also contact us through our Contact page.