Summer Choral Evensong

6.30 pm on Sunday 21 July 2024

St James Church Bodley Road KT3 5QE

Un-ticketed, £ free event

‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee’

You are invited to join us on a summer’s evening for a traditional full choral evensong

  • Beati quorum via – Charles Villers Stanford (1852-1924)
  • Preces and responses – Bernard Rose (1916-1996)
  • Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in E – Herbert Murrill (1909-1952)
  • Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace – Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876)
  • Organ Sonate IV movt.4 – Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Followed by light refreshments