Regular Services and activities at St James


8.30am – BCP Holy Communion – traditional said service, only half an hour long, with a small and intimate feel.

10.00am – Common Worship Parish Communion with a warm welcome for all (we have activities for children and allow dogs into our services), organ for our hymns and the choir sing a beautiful motet during communion. Coffee served after the service. Approximately one hour long.

6.30pm – Choral Evensong a lovely service of traditional Anglican prayers and Choral music – with a short sermon offered. Just under one hour long.


10.30amMorning Prayer – in church – entrance through the vestry door.

6pm – Evening Prayer on Facebook


First Tuesday in the month Fr Clive leads Evening Communion at 7.30pm in church with the Mothers Union – all welcome.

Second Tuesday in the month the gardening group meets to help make our church beautiful – new volunteers always welcome.


10.30am – Morning Prayer – entrance through main door.

10.45 – 11.45am – Book Club – we read a mixture of theology and novels with a religious theme or setting.  New members always welcome – ask Mthr Katie for more details.  This term we will be reading a fantasy novel based on the real life of a Domincan monk – Lent by Jo Walton. If you need help buying the book online or would like us to pay for it please speak to Mthr Katie – both are possible and we don’t want expense or ordering problems to prevent you joining. We would love to have you with us.

12 noonCeltic Communion led by Mthr Katie (15-20 minute informal service) in church.

12.20 – 1pm – Community Lunch ask for the Vicar’s special if you can’t afford – and we will buy your lunch for you – no problem at all. Or you can order your own – choice of baked potatoes or toasted sandwiches – or you are welcome to bring your own.

1.15-2.15pmCHATTERBOX – our new discussion group – with discussion prompts from box sets about all matters of life, love and faith. We are hoping this group will become both a service to the community and an outreach group where we can offer free conversation practice to those who have English as a second language. We’d love you to be part of this.

6pmFacebook Evening Prayer led by Mthr Katie


7.00pm – Parish Choir Practice


6.30pm – First Saturday of the month only – St James Healing Service – with laying of on hands, blessing with oil, communion and sermon.