Watch the video of last Sunday’s Choral Evensong on YouTube. If you would like to participate in our next service live…
View video and text versions of Sunday Morning Eucharist on 16th August
Our children’s sheet of activities you could do as a family follows the lectionary and this week continues to follow…
Watch the video of last Sunday’s Choral Evensong on YouTube. If you would like to participate in our next service live…
Gospel and Sermon for 9th August
Sunday activities for children and families
“Pop-up” micro Farmers’ Market outside Church this coming Sunday from 1130 to 1230!
Mother Katie is targeting to walk the equivalent of the Camino Trail (the 775km pilgrim path to Santiago de Compostela)…
Last Sunday’s Evensong is now available on YouTube
Mother Katie preached the following sermon at St James Merton on Saint James Day 2020. If you wish you can…