St James “Act of Dog” achieved front page billing in the Surrey Comet today courtesy of the efforts of our…
In the Church at 10:00am on Sunday 20th October, Confirmation as Vicar of the Rev. Katie Thomas by the Archdeacon…
Dogs are welcome at all St James Sunday morning services. Dogs have been quietly attending St James services for some…
Evensong Sunday 6th October at St James Church Bodley Road KT3 5QE Rehearsal: 3:00pm (if you want to sing) Service:…
What will the choir (and congregation) be singing this month? Check out the “Music” page on the Church website to…
For adults every Tuesday evening @ 7.30 pm the Church will be open for prayer, worship, study and meditation. Themes…
Saturday 7th September 2019 @ 7.30 pm Barry Eaton has kindly agreed to give an Organ Recital in the Church…
The Choir returns this Sunday! As August 2019 draws to a close we wave a fond farewell to hymns chosen…
Well at the very least an entry in the Surrey Comet! Well done to all concerned! See for details.…
or 40 go to the Cathedral! A Pilgrim’s account. Monday 29 July Imagine the scene. Drawn by the magnet of…