Three ideas for Study, Reading and Action this Lent at St James.
On Tuesday, 25th February at 19:30 we will be holding our Shrove Tuesday Reflection and the launch of the Lent Book Club lead by Mother Katie. This forms part of our regular Together on Tuesdays (TOTs) series. This will focus on “The Way of Benedict, Eight blessings for Lent” by Laurentia Johns OSB.

This is our Lent book for studying together. Father Donald and Mother Katie will be leading sessions on Tuesday evenings in Lent. Gather in the Lady Chapel at 7 .30pm to be finished by 9pm at the latest. The book will introduce us to the Rule of Benedict and help us explore how listening, gratitude and balance can provide a wise and joyful way of life.

This is the book we are recommending for reading at home alone. Fr Donald picked this for us and it focuses on the Beatitudes in Matthew – it contains some lovely prayers, short passages and questions to ponder. At just 100 pages long this is a quick and easy read.

Our final book is the smallest but possibly with the biggest potential! We are launching the St James Eco Group on the first Sunday in Lent and we shall be working through this as well as planning what we want to do as a group in this next year. Even if you don’t want to be a long term member of the group Mother Katie encourages you to make this part of your Lenten discipline. We shall meet for 30 minutes after the main Sunday morning service in the Lady Chapel (approximately 11.00 am).