Triple your giving!
An anonymous donor has pledged to give £2 for every £1 donated to St James Malden between now and 31st December.
It does not matter how you make your donation as long as it is received in time!
You can give:
- In person in Church by cash, cheque or using the contactless card reader
- Through the St James Malden Justgiving page (just click this link)
Mother Katie and the Church Wardens have agreed that such money will be for the music appeal, with a view to getting a new Director of Music/ Organist in the New Year.
The choir has been doing a fantastic job in recent months but really surpassed itself recently at the “Carols by Candlelight” service on Saturday. Their performance really was in the best tradition of choral music at St James. They are so deserving of our support!
You can watch a recording of the service on Facebook. Just click on this link.