It is OK if our Alleluia is whispered
An Easter photo gallery
Listen to an Easter Hymn and Anthem sung by members of the St James Malden Choir under the direction of…
Not bonnets this year, but candles! Last week we created our own Palm Crosses – this week we are asking…
See our virtual procession of crosses made by the congregation. It just doesn’t seem right not to have a procession…
Listen to a hymn and anthem sung by members of St James Malden Choir. Sublime!
Collect, Gospel and Sermon for Palm Sunday Collect True and humble King, hailed by the crowd as Messiah, grant is…
A handy guide compiled by Mother Katie to services and resources on the internet to support your spiritual life. Live…
The Church is not the building, but we all like the familiar. The pictures below were taken immediately before the…
Collect Most merciful God, Who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world:…