An eclectic collection of contributions from members of the congregation
An approach received by Mother Katie. Click here if you would like to help. Dear Rev Thomas, Several years ago…
A sermon by Sandra Feltham given on the 2nd Sunday before Lent
A sermon for the 4th Sunday in Epiphany by Mother Katie. 4 – Mark 1:21-28 Last week John’s gospel opened…
A sermon given on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany by Mother Katie There is something very Harry Potter about this…
A sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany by Mother Katie One of my favourite games as a child was…
The Vicar is taking a well-earned post Christmas break
Sermon at Midnight Mass by Mother Katie
Our buildings are currently closed – a letter from the Vicar
A sermon by Rev’d Sally Leeson for the fourth Sunday of Advent.